When you’re missing teeth from your smile, your entire oral health could be at risk. The gaps left behind by a lost tooth can lead to worsening dental conditions. Patients with missing teeth in McLeansville, NC, have a variety of restoration options available. But it may not be easy to tell which ones are the best options for your bite. After examining your mouth and discussing your cosmetic goals, your dentist can help determine which restoration treatment may be right for you.
Replacing Missing Teeth in McLeansville, NC
Missing teeth can cause a host of dental problems, including shifting teeth, gum disease, and even facial sagging. The sooner you get restorative treatment, the better. However, not every restorative treatment is going to provide the same benefits to every patient. Because everyone’s mouth is different, some patients may not be the right candidate for the most recommended treatment. Your dentist can put together a personalized treatment plan designed to help restore your unique bite.
Dental Implants
Dental implants are among the most recommended restorative treatments for missing teeth. Patients who are missing a single tooth can often benefit from a single dental implant. If you’re missing multiple teeth in a row, your dentist may suggest an implant-supported bridge or denture. Implants are so popular because they mimic the natural root structure of your teeth. This helps provide greater support and strength for your jaw and bite. However, implants do require surgery. Patients with certain medical conditions or poor oral health may not be able to receive implant dentistry.
Dental Bridges
Dental bridges are another great way to help restore your bite after losing a tooth. If you are missing one tooth, your dentist may recommend a dental bridge that is supported by the neighboring teeth. These teeth are fitted with dental crowns that help support the bridge and prevent damage. However, if you’re missing multiple teeth, a crown-supported bridge may not have the strength needed for proper treatment. In this case, your dentist may recommend an implant-supported bridge or a partial denture.
Dentures and Partial Dentures
Dentures and partial dentures are some of the most cost-effective options for tooth replacement. However, they tend to be less recommended because they don’t provide as much support for bite function. But they do still have some unique benefits. Because dentures and partial dentures are easily removable, patients who have difficulty brushing and flossing may have an easier time with cleaning their teeth. Dentures are also a common in-between treatment for patients who need full mouth reconstruction but are unable to afford financing right away. Dentures can help restore your bite while you’re waiting for more permanent treatment.
If you’re missing teeth, you could be exposing your mouth to further damage. At McLeansville Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, we offer a wide range of restoration options that could help improve your bite. Call us today at 336.506.6545 to schedule a consultation and see which restoration may be right for you.