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Why Does My Breath Smell Bad?

Bad-smelling breath can affect the best of us every now and then. Usually, it is easy to resolve, something that will go away quickly by brushing or flossing your teeth. But if the odor on your breath persists and becomes chronic, it could point to a dental problem that you need your dentist to fix.

Understanding the cause of bad breath, also known as halitosis, can help you prevent it and know when to call your dentist about the issue. So read on to learn four of the common reasons you might develop bad-smelling breath.

prevent bad breath with good oral health

4 Causes of Bad Breath

Consuming Strong Foods

A major reason people may form bad breath is from the foods that they eat. For instance, food particles can linger in the mouth after a meal. As they start to decompose in the mouth, they produce an odor that will become noticeable on your breath.

But certain strong foods and drinks, including onions and garlic, will contribute to this issue even more. They have fragrant oils that will absorb into the bloodstream after eating them and then travel to the lungs and therefore to your breath.

They can then remain on your breath for longer than a day, even after oral hygiene efforts. Pay attention to your diet to make sure these strong food items do not overwhelm your breath and oral health.

Poor Oral Hygiene

You know you need to practice good oral hygiene habits to keep your mouth clean and healthy, but this regimen also fights bad breath. Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing daily will get rid of lingering food particles. But these practices also scrub away plaque, a film over the teeth made from the natural bacteria in your mouth.

Plaque will eat away at your dental structure, causing irreversible dental damage, if it remains on your smile. But it will also produce an odor if it stays on your teeth, which will in turn give you bad breath. So stick to a healthy oral hygiene routine to keep your breath fresh.

Dry Mouth

If you have felt a sticky, dry feeling in your mouth, you have experienced dry mouth. This condition not only feels unpleasant, but it can leave your oral health vulnerable. It may also cause bad breath.

This is because the dry oral environment allows bacteria to spread with greater ease, contributing to plaque formation and the elements that cause halitosis. Drink plenty of water to prevent dry mouth and also rinse away particles that could lead to bad-smelling breath.

Gum Disease

Gum disease refers to a common type of infection in the gum tissue. It causes swelling, soreness, and irritation in the gums for many patients. But another frequent symptom of this infection is bad breath.

This occurs when swelling and inflammation from the infection create pockets in the gums that allow plaque, bacteria, and other harmful particles to collect. They then start to smell which will present on the breath. Treat gum disease promptly to protect your smile and breath. And fight gum disease with good oral hygiene and other healthy habits.